Okay, I'm not going to lie, I was a total skeptic on these essential oils. Everyone I knew, and I mean everyone, was jumping on the essential oils bandwagon and I was like, there's no way I'm getting sucked in.
Well, I got sucked in.
I talked to another mom friend who is practically an expert on EO's and she totally convinced me I was missing out on the greatest thing ever. I really HATE taking medicine. Like, loathe it! I totally believe in vaccinations for children, but as far as I go, I just don't like medicine. So hearing that I can avoid sickness and germs with these oils, it was a total no brainier.
I breastfed both of my children so they practically sucked all of my immune system out of me and never get sick. I rarely get sick either, but my husband is always getting sick. Like, annoyingly sick evey few months. And he is always gobbling down bottles of medicine trying to stop it before it gets worse and it just freaks me out. So hearing that I could replace my ENTIRE medicine cabinet with just a couple handfuls of oils, I was sold!
So I did my own research on them and looked up the ins and outs of EO's and I couldn't believe some of the testimonials I was reading. People having horrible allergies for 20 plus years and with just a few oils everyday they're completely off allergy medicine. A mother saying she never sends her kids to school or daycare without a drop of Theives on their feet because the one day she forgot to do it, her kids came down with the nastiest stomach bug. Another person having psoriasis all of her life and never having relief until she bought these EO's and made her own psoriasis cream and now is almost clear of her outbreaks. I mean, those are some strong testimonies! And I just had to find out for myself.
So I purchased the Premium Starter Kit and within five days, it was at my front door. I couldn't wait to see for myself all of the magic that was in these little bottles. And let me tell you, I really don't know how I ever lived without them! These oils have worked wonders for my family and I. Okay like first, my kids have a bedtime of 8pm. They usually don't fall asleep until around 9pm. Well not anymore. Before I put them in bed, I put a couple drops of Peace and Calming in with their bedtime lotion and rub it on the bottoms of their feet, behind their ears and on their shoulders...and within 10-15 minutes of laying in bed, they are out! That NEVER happens. Like, ever! My husband, who was an even bigger skeptic than I was, had a major headache and after I applied Peppermint to his temples, his headache was gone within ten minutes. He's now a believer.
I usually have such a hard time falling asleep, especially since my husband works third shift, but I rub some P&C on the back of my neck and I fall fast asleep. It's awesome! I can't even begin to tell you how amazed I am. And the diffuser. Oh my goodness, the diffuser is my favorite! I diffuse Joy and Peppermint in the morning and it just makes our household run smoothly and keeps the kids from being fussy and whiny. Who wouldn't want that?!
So if you're in the market for some EO's or are just looking to seek an alternative to modern medicine, I highly recommend trying Young Living Essential Oils. It's a great investment and definitely worth every penny. Simply put, they are beyond amazing!